Saturday, July 9, 2011

nothin' new...

Well, I'm trying to get into the habit of blogging regularly again so, though I don't have much of interest to post, i'm gonna chat a while with you. ....

It's the rainy season here now, so we are told. We have never been here in July before, so we'll take their word for it. What we've seen of it so far is it means lots of humidity, overcast days and mosquitos. We've sort of sealed ourselves up in the house for the last few days and still, we are covered with bites. It's one of lifes mysteries- how DO they get in? Can't figure it out....they also like to congregate in the cab of the truck- why? What's the draw? Is there some hidden nectar in there that only they can sense or are they rallying to take it for a spin? i don't think their little legs have enough force to shift even if they could reach the pedals.....

The other thing thats going on- well, actually it's not going on- is the water. I've talked to you about the precarious water situation here before, well, we have not had water for 5 days now. Luckily, as I mentioned before, the pool was full to the brim from rains so we are scooping it out by the bucketfull to flush the toilet. We swim daily and that can serve as a makeshift bath, thursdays we are at the hotel so that gives us a nice long shower. We get big bottles of water for our drinking so it's not like we have NO water it's just an inconvenience. John went to talk to' el presidente' today and he claimed "Im going to get my boy on it tomorrow"....manana right? we are waiting with baited breath...

Wednesday the guys are going to start work on our little guest house- a lack of water will hinder that process greatly as it is a necessary ingredient in concrete. We'll see...

So it kind of feels like we are in a holding pattern- staying indoors for the most part to avoid getting bitten, reading a lot( I'm reading a great book called Prison Angel about a woman who was a Hollywood socialite until she was 50 then went to live in a Tijuana prison as a nun to minister to the inmates), playing gin ( I am about ready to quit as the card gods have been conspiring against me), taking naps and playing with Lucky. Yeah, it's a pretty tough gig....took some getting used to slowing down again after the hustle of our whirlwind visit home in June.

We'll leave a light on for anyone headin' our way....we're still blazin' the trail for those who want to scale back, learn to live with less and figure out whats really important- like water and a case of insect repellant....

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