Saturday, July 16, 2011


Wow, here's a fun fact- as i was signing on to post this, i happened to notice that it tells you how many posts there have been. Hang on to your hats- or wigs or pants or something thats not attached- there have been 100 posts!! 100! I can't believe it...,If this were a TV show, we'd have a re-cap and everyone would talk about how much fun it's been...yada, yada, yada....( station break- gonna go get a coconut macaroon. Just bought them fresh today in Progresso..mmm...chewy mouthfuls of delicousness.....) OK so where was i- oh yeah-when i started this blog I was living in another house, in another country, speaking another language...well, I'm NOT going to rehash the whole thing ( did i hear a "thank god"?). Some of you have actually been with me all long. I can't tell you how cool it was to be driving down here, much like hurtling through space in a tiny craft passing through another galaxy, and sending massages ( hahaha ..or m-e-ssages..) out into the void in hopes they reached someone. And they did! Ain't technology grand?Has it been fun? Any regrets yet? Yes, its been a blast and no, no regrets. I get to live with less-wear less, work less, worry less, cook less, spend less, currently weigh less :).....the downside is seeing friends and family less.

As we start the first blog of the new season- the second hundred ( really?...)blogs-we have our dog laying by the door ( not the dog we had in Portland), the i pod playing Delbert McClinton, all the windows and doors open, the sun has set. There is the beginning of a foundation for a little guest house out back and i spent time in our pool this afternoon. This is a far cry from what it was like when we got here. We drove into Progresso today to get some things. on the way we passed guys fishing with nets, flocks of flamingos, beautiful turquoise waters and i remembered a dream i had last night. I never remember my dreams so it was odd. The recall hit me like a ....bolt of lightning? hammer? ton of bricks?...too cliche...slap in the face? How about like seeing a spider the size of a coffee cup in the bathroom!...anyway, i remembered that in my dream i was having a conversation with a young woman about being in recovery and we were talking in Spanish! In my dream! was sprinkled with a little english too but how amazing is that?

I'll finish up by telling you about getting an internet contract....let me just say it was worse then my most heinous trip to DMV...yes, it really was that bad...The first day took me an hour and a half in the Telcel office ( sort of a momopoly here with phone and internet) anyway, a really nice young man with cool glasses who thankfully spoke english quite well, took me through the process of giving himphone numbers of people I knew here, with last names..oh, and they need to have electric bill, passport, Immigration card and credit card...oh, sorry that is no good is not a mwxican card. " can't I just pay for the 6 months with cash"? Oh I was so naive..." no, you have to get credit. It will take 3-5 days for them to check all your phone numbers and references then you come back". well, I wont go into all the details but he was a pal...he knew we lived an hour and a half away and that whoever called would only speak spanish so he pushed it through, called me back himself to tell me I could come back the next morning. That visit took 2 HOURS!! I was practically having an anxiety attack. John and the dog were out in the blazing heat waiting for me. I felt like i was being held hostage. i was just about to call it off when i saw our neighbor. he speaks fluent spanish and he was on day 3 ...trying to get a new phone..3 days! Hes a very quiet man but ended up shouting at the clerk...see, Im telling you, its like DMV....anyway, i have it now. Things are very different here but isn't that, after all, the whole reason we moved here?

well, that about wraps up #101....I'll keep you posted on the progress of the guest house and other misc. experiences. In the meantime, keep your powder dry- which here in 99% humidity is no easy task!

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