Sunday, August 1, 2010

Random updates

Today I am going attempt to add a photo or two. That is, after all, a large part of why I have a blog to begin with. I want to be able to show you our travels and updat you on the progress to the house once we get down there.
Let's see....since we last spoke, I emptied out our bedroom. This needed to be done because we are doing some repairs-new sheet rock in a few portions of the ceiling and new carpet. The dressers went outside onto the deck-"not outside!" John had objected." Why not? It's not supposed to rain?" "Animals will get in them". I pictured birds and small rodents cavorting about in our underwear while our shirts and jeans hung from the trees. Out they went. The bed came up front into Emily's old room. This room is the general wayside in the sorting process. We have the yard sale pile, the Powell's Books pile, the "this goes with us to mexico" pile and the thrift store pile. My exterior now resembles my brain-chaotic,,,
Now I'll update you on John's "state". For those of you who are close, you know somewhat. For those who aren't well......I tallied up the migraine log for July this morning( as I did this, Starla the wonderdog ran back and forth from the kitchen to the bedroom and proceeded to spin in a circle like a dervish thereby wadding up the plastic dropcloth..) the month had 31 days. 9 of those were headache free.Believe it or not, this is an improvement. The depression is a bit better. We've had a decent week or so. So here's an example of what it's like from my end. We were both tired last night. I said I was going to go read for a bit, John said he was going to watch a little of the 10:00 news then join me. Around 3:00 AM he came in saying he had fallen asleep on the couch and that the TV WASN'T ON....I get up this morning, shuffle bleary eyed to the bathroom and the seat is stop the kitchen. While I'm waiting for my tea water to get hot I take my Prilosec. I either use a water bottle or a big glass to take it with. Since there was an empty water bottle at the edge of the sink, I fill it up, throw back the pill and start to chug. Two gulps into the bottle I spew into the sink and head for the bedroom-the one with John and the piles-"what did you have in that water bottle?"I demand angrily while visions of writhing and wretching dance through my head. "Which one?" "The one that had something other than water in it!" " Oh. I put some of the moss killer I was using on the roof yesterday in one but it's outside".......So there you have it. A little glimpse into my world. I will now attempt to attach a couple of visual aids for you....OK, I'm about to rip my hair out so you may not get the pics.....

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