Saturday, August 28, 2010

Coming Down

Whew! Sorry to be remiss in my blogging duties but it's been crazy busy in my world. It has been an emotional roller coaster lately. Last weekend was the mentor picnic ( all clients past and present) and don't even get me started on that!! Talk about a love fest....They gave me a beautiful glass plaque engraved withsuch heartfelt flowery accolades that I couldn't even read it because I was crying so much.Call me a bitch or yell at me and I can easily take it in stride...(Ok so if I'm working an honest program I can't say that I would EASILY take it in stride but you catch my drift....) but tell me wonderful, kind, loving things and it gets hard. I really wasn't given any practice at this as a kid or for a good portion of my adult life so it's still something I'm working on being comfortable with. Learning how to validate and honor myself(that's for you Lynda.....)comes easy now though so there is growth. So, the picnic last weekend, then my "girls" had dinner for me on Tue. night. They decided about 7 months ago to throw me a monthly dinner until I leave. It's a potluck that rotates from home to home but the constant theme is I bring only myself and there is always cake. Speaking of cake, I've put on about 5lbs in all of this because everyone knows I love-LOVE- cake. It is my cryptonite. Now, I am not one of those svelt, naturally thin girls ( I know some of you may be shocked)and I have to watch everything I eat but all bets are off right now. Cake at the picnic last weekend, the business enterprises guys (at work) brought me cake Tue., the girls of course had cake for me Tue. night, Wed was another going away potluck-with cake-and Friday was my retirement party at work with cake. My clothes are straining at the seams, I'm a bit bi-polar from the sugar induced mood swings and today I'm going to a wedding where I anticipate there will guessed what can I say, I have no denial around being an addict (easy cop out) and in addition to my current coffee relapse I'm over the top (over the top of my jeans!!!) with celebratory sugar.
So these are my luxury problems today-too much love and too much there really such a thing? I think not..........

1 comment:

  1. and the cake will keep coming until you leave my friend...
    love, stace aka the Cake Queen
