Tuesday, October 5, 2010

where are we again?

I am sitting at an internet establishment where I think I may be getting bitten, not sure....Mexican rap is blasting out of my neighbors kiosk and Facebook won´t let me sign on because it doesn´t recognize my location. I don´t recognize my location...honestly, I don´t know the name of it. It´s one of those crazy roadside places like something from Mad Max.
Today the roads were by far the worst. We must have driven for 6 hrs and gone maybe 100-120 miles. we drove over bridges that were literally half gone over swollen rivers that remained over their banks, portions of the road were gone like sink holes sliding down the mountaiside, slides that covered the road a day or two ago that were only partially cleared, long delays due to only one lane being cleared so each direction had to take a turn, then it rained, then it got dark. All the while, we never saw one place to stay. we were in a pretty remote area but it was the only road open to head in the direction we needed to go. at times it was so surreal. It looked like something out of Jurrasic Park or King Kong. Then you´d pass what looked like a stick hut or a building with a huge palapas roof. Chickens, donkeys, dogs and goats wandering about and always the trucks and busses. I have no idea how we did not see one single accident. They were the craziest drivers I´ve seen since India. Passing on blind curves, everyone in both lanes....wow...after it got dark and started to rain, neither one of us could see. Thank god by then we were on a decent road and we prayed there were no pot holes or sink holes because we wouldn´t have seen tem. we held out hope that the next place we were seeing signs for would have a hotel. we approached one of those crazy Mad Max, Blade Runner wayside places I think I´ve told you about and pulled into a Pemex (gas station) . We asked a couple of guys where Sayula was and they replied ¨this is it¨. AARGG!! It has been one of our fears that we would end up in one of these places and here we were. We had no choice. There was absolutely no way we could go on. After stopping twice to ask people where the hotel was ( no keep in mind- its dark, raining, there must be at least 50 semis driving, braking parking, enering, exiting, people crossing the street, vendores running around selling things-wild scene. At last we find our retreat....It costs 200 pesos for the night and has off street parking-cool! As we enter our room, John tells me öh, there`s no blankets, but it´s not really cold out. They did give us towels and we have our own soap.´´ I see when we open the door the plainest of rooms. There are no plug ins but I can see where there may have been at one time.It is reminiscent of an old western or a place I stayed in India (minus the moth balls) but I don´t care. There is a bed with sheets, a toilet, and we made it there in one piece. I put my arms around John ¨I´m so glad we made it¨I tell him as we give each other a big hug.¨¨ Crazy huh? How many people do we know that would do this?¨he asks. ¨I don´t think most of them would want to honey.¨¨Another chapter in John and Jills big adventure.
So, no pictures tonight because I can´t upload. We´ll see tomorrow. We should make it past Villahermosa tomorrow but who knows. The roads are still a mess. So, we´ll keep truckin´, I´ll keep blogging what I can and I hope you all keep following. I feel kind of like a radio announcer in the night- I can´t see you but I´m comforted just knowing you´re there.....


  1. we are here Jill, don't stop blogging.
    no baby yet, i'm soooo tired and grumpy, OMG!
    I love you guys.

  2. I didn't have a chance to repond yesterday I wasn't feeling well. I had an appointment yesterday to follow up on my heart surgery but just found out I lost my insurance on the 28th of last month. Hows the health care in Mexico maybe I'll join ya. Canada is starting to look attractive.
    This is a big adventure. It's exciting to read the play by play. It's like watching the history channel only with someone you know. I feel your distress and your joy. I freak out when I don't know exactly where I am or what direction I'm driving in. I'm one of those guys who has everything maped out and I know the mountain ranges and wilderness areas where if I get lost I know the gerneral area where I can find my way out eventualy, well maybe I have had to have some help a few times. I never get lost just horribly misplaced. This trip would be very stressful for me with all the unknowns.
    I admire your courage. Love you guys.
