Friday, December 30, 2011

Everything changes......

Good morning! It's Dec. 30th..I'm sitting at the hotel just having finished a plate of fresh papaya and watermelon, toast and a cup of coffee ( yes, another coffee relapse...). I've been pondering a topic for today and frankly, haven't come up with much. I was going to send a picture of Lucky in his elf hat but alas, I didnt download my latest pictures to the computer...Thought Id share this blue beauty with you...the beach has been chock full of shells lately and the waters warm but keep your eyes peeled for these things- they sting, even when dead im told. As an adult, I tend to occasionally take peoples word for things instead of having to find out on my own they were right.....One day I counted 8 of these while on a beach walk.
So, now that we are back at home, there is a lot less beach walking. Its SO far to the beach ( across the road......) as opposed to stepping out the door at the house we were at. I believe i posted a couple pics of said house, here's a few more...

If you look real close, you can just make out the "patients" legs in her bed....and that TV is a loaner from the other neighbors (the flat screen was at the shop..). This TV now resides in our living room where we watch videos on it..well, we were..the DVD player stopped working yesterday...The owners will be moving dowm permenantly in February....

The patio and beach are on the other side of these doors...

So, this house has it all..a generator that comes on automatically when the power goes out, a huge pool, a stove, oven, microwave, ice maker in the also has one thing after another that needs to get fixed...a house full of "things " is a houseful of problems......We have very little at our place and thats perfect. There is very little to go wrong. The poor woman is forever in the process of sending something out to be fixed or having someone come out...$$$$$$$. I guess I'd have to say our biggest concern is do we have water today? Some days its not on....every now and then, the power goes out for no reason...well, there's not much in the freezer so it doesn't really matter.....

The new year is just around the corner, a fresh start, a new beginning, another revolution of the planet. On new years eve we will be in Santa Clara guietly ringing in the next 365 days. We will hang out at two different houses, eating, snacking...midnight is so late for us! On the 5th we will be back in Merida where I will venture out with a friend into the stereets where thousands will throng to a huge musical event celebrating 400 and some years since the cities birth. Another late night...We were invited to some peoples home on Christmas Eve to eat and celebrate. We found out ahead of time folks here do that around 11:30- PM!!! wrapping things up around 3:00..ohhh, we had to decline that one though we were touched to be included in "family" festivities.

Well, thats it. The last blog of the year is pretty low key. Low key is good. There is a certain ebb and flow to our days here...some require more running around, some have a walk on the beach, some have rain ( so we dont need to water..) some have a nap....most are filled with a quiet peace. The locals in Santa Clara say its " muy tranquilo"..very tranquil. What more could we ask for? Well, more coconut flan would be good........Happy New Year!

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