I try to be a woman of my word so, as promised, i am posting a few pictures of our village. I took several photos but can only post 5 at a time so, here is a tiny sampling. Guess i'll just have to show you a few more from time to time.
So- as we were leaving our house today to come into Merida, I was poised to shoot. First, as you approach the village ( we live on the outer edge..as if the village isn't remote enough, we live
outside of it) from the west, I don't know if you can make it out or not but there is a chapel. One wall is open- always. You look in and see the pews, the virgin, you know, churchy stuff. Its the structure with the red roof in front of the red and white cell phone tower. you also see our trusty Ford Ranger that has been and continues to be one of the best vehicles I've ever owned. Just passed that yellow sign, you turn right to head into Dzidzantun. If you continued forward, you would go to Dzilam de Bravo and the end of the road.

A left hand turn at the church, and you pass this cute little place. It, like most of the places in Santa Clara, is a vacation home. People come down for Semana Santa (2 weeks in April- like their spring break) and the entire month of August.

Just passed the little green house is the beach. Lots of fisherman come in and out of this spot. Some enterprising person installed a beer store just to the left of this concrete building. And to the right of these boats, is Quincy's house. He and his wife have been working on their mega structure for 3 years- for the two of them. It is enormous. She is a head hunter and works out of her home online. They are...how shall i say it...know to tip a few. a few buckets full!

Oh look! Its my navigator on this tour...we are3 driving along the beach. this cute little house on the left was built by a gringo realtor and was sold to gringos. it was one of the first to bring in the big bucks which sort of set a new precident (sp?) for selling prices here.

Oh I DID include a picture of the mega structure....this really does not display the grandeur of this place. It towers over everything else around. Well, except for another home to the left of ours on the beach. it was the first giant gringo house built in the village. I will be staying in it, as a matter of fact, for a month as the woman who lives there is having hip surgery and will need help. She's a nice woman. Lives in the big house alone.....

Well, I must say, these pictures really don't show you a darn thing. im going to have to do a series of these. I am in fact going to post a drive to Dzidzantun right after this...a bonus post! The snowbirds are starting their migration. Carol and AJ from Texas via Dubai, Singapore and points unknown, will be down in 2 weeks, Peggy and Tom from Ontario and Newfounland will be down in 3 weeks, Rosealia and Wayne will be down next week from Woodstock, NY just to name a few. Its so odd, when they all left in May I thought Id get bored or lonely I find that i greatly enjoy my solitude. Our routine of playing gin, yard work, chasing the dog around the yard, sweeping sand out of the house, tending to the pool, reading and taking siesta pretty much fills our time. Now that we've been here over a year, i have reference points-when the flamingos come and go, when the window birds start banging on the glass and when they go, when the leaves fall off one bush in the front and when the die hards remain behind as the rest flee. We have come to the conclusion that those of us who have chosen to move down here are all a bit....odd? different? weird? eccentric? offbeat? dropouts?alcoholics? crazy?anti-establishment? all of the above? but those of us who stay here for the duration, through the heat of a Mexican summer, the crowds that swarm the beach in August, the hurricane season...are we even crazier? maybe...maybe crazy like a fox ( a drunken, one eyed, addled, lunatic fox!!)
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