Ahh! vacation time is over! The village is quiet again, the neighbors are gone leaving in ther wake a pile of refuse in their back yard. They opted to drag their waste into the yard rather then take it to the nearby basurero (dump) MUCH to Lucky's delight...Many a day he came home with a large odorific hunk of old fish ( his fave- he actually turned down a tbone bone recently..)i kept trying to keep hime in the yard so id check the security of my fence line ( the palm fence remember?). On several occasions I noticed a number of palms missing. it took me a while to figure out the neighbors were requisitioning them as incindiary devices to use in burning their trash. I should say, attempting to burn their trash, as most of it was left intact ( his best find was a shoe sized piece of shark skin...mmmm). Needless to say, Lucky was delighted to have easier access to his daily buffet, but now that they've gone until next april, I went out back the other day, machete in hand and sweating like...i don't know what...like someone really sweaty...( and i profess to be a writer..?!) to fix it the fence ( "desperado, you've been out ridin' fences..." remember the Seinfeld episode?). Hordes, DROVES of butterflies and dragonflies, all different types, were passing by right over me. Unfortunately i don't have National Geographic quality equipment so instead of seeing the cloud of flying insects, you get to see one that dropped down to take a break...

I posted a little bit last week about the tempest passing through ( this is now almsot a daily occurence) and thought i might include a visual aid. You can't see them, but in the right hand corner of the lagoon, the flamingos are hunkered down waiting for the storm to pass.

I also shared with you recently about the butterflies eating the pears...somehow they lose a little of their allure when the fruit is laying on the ground (borderlining on creepy , actually...) but thought i'd include this as well.
i just paused for a moment to talk to my friend jenifer (from Kuwait) on skype...as we were talking john walked in and informed me there is evidently a tropical storm headed our way. as we were driving in from merida today, we noticed the manglar is so full of water, if it gets much more it will be overflowing the road. if there is in fact a tropical storm bringing heavy rains, we will be heading back to merida....ill keep you informed...
In the meantime, take a lesson from the flamingos- if a tempest is in your midst, hunker down and wait for it to pass. One way or another, it always does....
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