Sunday, March 13, 2011

keeping you guessing...

Its Sunday...I know, I know...not the usual day for me to be in town is it? Well ya know..i like to keep you all on your toes...
Its about 9am. I'm in the hotel breakfast area and Im streaming KINK-acoustic Sunday...just had my second cup of tea and a couple of pieces of toast. The other "diners" have all come and gone. they have places to be, sites to see, tours to take ...I have none of those. I have no place to be and all the time in the world to get there....cowboy junkies are singing "Im so lonesome I could cry". I'm alone, but not lonesome. My hubby has flown the coop-literally. he's winging his way to P-town as i write...actually, he's probably just starting his 8 1/2 hr layover in Houston. How much fun can one person have? Thats right up there with root canals and biopsy's...OK so maybe Im exagerating a tiny bit.....He's got business to attend to so he'll be gone for a week. As we've made these preperations, i can't tell you how helpful some of our friends have been. We have people who have gone out of their way- for months actually- to help us take care of things. These people are such a gift. That sounds cliche but I mean it. Im not one to place a lot of importance on "things' material things. These people, these friendships are so valuable to me. So, you can insure a car, a house, a painting. I've even heard of people insuring their legs. So why not a friendship? Because you can't put a price on it. It can't be replaced. What, would the insurance company send out a replacement friend? " Hi, the company sent me. I've reviewed you file so i know about all your relationship issues, childrens bios, medical history, your fears, hopes, aspirations. i think Ive been fully briefed and im ready to take over" Then they hand you a file with all the same info on them and you study it until you've committed it all to memory. Or wait! Im sure they could implant a chip with all that! Why waste time reading...OK, Im rambling..but you get my point. These people, these relationships are not replaceable and im so lucky to have them.
Now, lets switch gears.....the terrible (slight understatement sorry...). Really brings to the forefront one more time that we don't know what the day is going to bring. I was reading about it a bit ( we do not get news of any kind unless we look it up on line when we're at the hotel)and I see the only casualty in the states was a guy in california who was drowned as he tried to take a picture of the approaching wave...OK...really, come on now. What was the thought process there? "hey, this wave traveled 500 miles an hour across the ocean (the same speed as a jet) but I've got this"....what was this guy smokin'?! Then i read some quote by the gov. of cal.-Jerry Brown-wait, what? Jerry Brown is the Gov.? What year is this......then i read that the earth has shifted on its axis as a result of this earthquake. So if all this weird stuff has been going on prior to the earthquake, will this shift eradicate the weirdness or enhance it? Guess we'll have to wait and see... more topic. Ive told you, in fact i believe i have shown you a photo, of the dock out back that goes to the swamp. Picture if you will that nobody lives near us, so when you go back there, there is NOTHING around. Now that ive set that scene, picture that the water has receded because its been so hot so there is basically a mud bog-stinky mud bog-back there. If i were to step in it I would sink mid calf. now, Im back there the other day checking it out and i see a variety of footprints. There are bird prints, dog prints, and..what kind of prints are those? Wow, a foot about as big as mine and as far as i can tell, there are only 2. There must be 4 but I cant figure out the foot placement. So a few days later, we have these metal fabricators out from Dzidzantun taking measurements for a wall we're going to enclose. they are back on the dock with me to check it out and i ask them about the footprints. "What made those"? I ask..." a person" they reply in unison. wait....WHAT?! What person in their right mind....IN THEIR RIGHT MIND!!! ahhhhh!!!!, we have a lunatic swamp monster person cavorting about in knee deep stinky muck that wandered through half the swamp to arrive in my back yard? I feel so comfortable finding this out just days prior to my husband leaving for a week.....I have to go out on my back porch ( the area that will soon be enclosed with decorative iron) to get to the bathroom. Well, life is an adventure right? Like I said, we never know what the day may bring...or night..........
Well, time for me to sign off. There is a pool waiting for me to lay by and finish my book before i pack up and head home where i will water my plants and await the night........

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