Monday, March 28, 2011
here we go......
Here's the current hurdle: when we were headed down, we knew we needed to get a Temporary Vehicle Importation Permit. Its good for 6 months. Its for people who are down here driving around, vacationing, then they drive back home. We actually went out of our way to the specific locations where one could obtain this. First stop was Salt Lake City. After getting off the freeway and locating the address, we found out it had moved...OK....found the new location. " Cool, look theres nobody in there" well, thats because they dont do much in there....we were not able to get what we needed. We were directed to New Mexico...OK...long story short, we got it, crossed the border and all is well. After getting here, we got our FM 2 which means we are residents. Now, fast forward...we've been here 6 months and the permit is going to expire on the 29th- tomorrow. And on April 2nd the insurance expires. So, for the last week or two we have been inquiring about what to do. Its been like asking people "how do you catch a fish?" Everyone has an opinion, a story, a suggestion. My head has been spinning! We are in a foreign country, we want to follow the law but just what the law IS is rather vague. Three different people have assured us that we don't have to do anything. They say the temporoary import was before we became residents. Others have said " you don't want to mess around. if your vehicle isn't legal and they stop you, they can take your truck". Another woman spent a night in jail until they got it straightened out. Another guy told me he and his wife spent THOUSANDS of dollars- not pesos- getting their car legal. What I can gather from all this is, you may drive around forever and be just fine or might not. Now, I am an adventurous person, but I am not really into finding out first hand about a Mexican jail or losing our only means of transportation. Some experiences I want to participate in for myself-like eating pizza in Italy. Others, i'll take your word for - like a sting ray sting is excruciatingly painful. A gentleman named Eduardo is coming to pick us up in an hour to take us to wherever it is we need to go to handle this car business. From what i can gather, it will cost us roughly $200-dollars-and another $30 for this guys time.I also gather it makes a trip to DMV look like a leisurely stroll through a rose garden where refreshments are served and massages are given at the end. Our friend Mark tells us " trust me on this one-you don't need to do anything". I have hardly been able to sleep trying to decide which course to take...Give me a clear directive on what needs to be done and no matter how unpleasant, Ill tackle it. But when there is no definitive answer, I flounder. For many years, my best thinking got me in trouble so Ive learned to follow direction when I am navigating unchartered waters. The problem here is there are several captains and two very different maps. So what would you do? Say screw the system? If you go in there, of course they are going to take your money? You're fine? Or, I think I want to cover my bases and the $250 or so dollars is worth peace of mind? As a sidenote....Ive been talking to some folks who are down from Idaho looking for a place to buy. We were discussing how safe it is here in the Yucatan. " I don't know if you've seen any of the newspapers here, but they are pretty explicit. They show these really grisly pictures of heads and arms and legs chopped off. But none of that is going on here". thing you know, they guy is telling his son " i think we should go home..." So, I have to close now because Eduardo will be pulling up in 10 min. I'll let you know how it goes......
Monday, March 21, 2011
update on dogs and footprints
I left the house at about 11:30 this morning and headed in. I had the ipod hooked up in the truck and was grinning ear to ear as i drove through the countryside. Wide open expanses of blue sky surrounded me dotted with clouds the size of icebergs. Rock walls, an old hacienda in ruins and yellow butterfiles passed by as Ray Charles, Feist and morroccon musicians entertained me as i rolled on. Passing through villages, my face stood out to the locals who turned to take in it or my music. I wasn't sure which. Tiny dark skinned men peddled bicycles with bundles of wood tied on the back, gramas in traditional long white dresses with embroidered necklines and hems toddled off to buy the days tortillas. Slim, young girls poured themselves into blue jeans and t-shirts while the young men sported hairstyles that reminded me of cockateels. Bicycles and scooters flowed in and out of cars and knots of people while those with nowhere to go held down a chair in a shady doorway.
A little over an hour later i'm entering Merida. At the edge of town there's a police check point. This was a little disconcerting when we first got here but now I just smile and wave as I pass through. Soon I'm in the flow of city traffic. Most of the cars and trucks are new. There are very few old cars. Mercedes, BMW, Lincoln, SUV's, lots of Ford Rangers and Volkswagens. At one of the lights, vendors try to sell me candy. At another, the window washers land on the cars like insects " no gracias' i tell him after he's already begun. this one is obstinate, he doesn't stop. " No! dinero "i tell him. " Only a dollar' he says in english " i have no money. My husband has it all" I answer in spanish. he smiles and walks away.
In another 10 min. i pull into the hotel parking lot and I feel like Im home. Roger, the desk clerk greets me. I tell him I need to go to the bank machine. That I tried to get money in Dzidzantun but it wouldn't take my card. " no problem" he says and after some chit chat about the solsice he hands me my room key. I drop things off in the room and head out to the ATM two blocks away. Once again, its not working for me. I have about 40 pesos so I buy myself a sandwich, an iced tea and some cookies. Once back at the hotel, I inform Roger. " Can I do anything?" he asks. i explain that when John gets in tonight he''l have money. " You pay in the morning than. And here.." he hands me 50 pesos "for your dinner". Now, remember that this guy makes about 170 pesos a day. This is so kind. I hate to, but I take it , knowing we'll return it to him in the morning. I call the english library to see if theyre open ( Roger informed me its a holiday-the birth of a president 80-100 years ago...poor, self educated, became president ...sounds like Abe Lincoln..) Sure enough, the library is closed. I was going to meet a friend there so i call her and let her know whats going on. She wants to come bring me money. At this point, I remember I have Skype and look up the number for US Bank..I get a nice guy on the phone who feels bad but has to inform me my card has been deactivated for no apparent reason and it can't be turned back on. Now, if I wasnt married I would be screwed. if this was my only resource, what would I do? And what about when I travel? I use my ATM card to access funds in other countries.I decide whats the use...first of all, im powerless over US Bank and secondly, none of those scenarios are going on. Im fine. Ive got 50 pesos in my pocket, another offer of money and a few other people I could get help from if I needed to. My husband and his bank card will be here in about 4 hours. My needs are met and then some.
so, a few quick updates and random tidbits.....the mom and her pups that vanished? I saw them! My concern was that they had been poisoned. no, she just moved the family to a new location. The footprints in the swamp? Just someone looking for little shell creatures they use to make ceviche. They are like a mussel. A lot of work, but a person could make 60-70 pesos in a day. And that big moon? Didn't see it...while John has been gone, I lock myself in at night. Once it's dark, the doors close up and Im in. I'm still a city girl and being out where its pitch black and there are no people around......during the day i love it! but come friend Jane kept me company more then once with a greatly appreciated phone call..When it was time to go to bed,I put seinfeld in the laptop and played back to back to back to back episodes...the first few days it was Glee.....Ive been saving the last episode i had-Episode 10 season 2-savoring it ...delaying gratification...the anticipation building until i couldn't wait anymore..i put it in and pushed play...A CHRISTMAS EPISODE!! No!! say it ain't so! what a letdown....thats it. No more Glee. Im out. i've watched all the seinfeld so many times even I, a huge fan, am tired of the seasons i have. I've sewn dresses, painted pictures, painted a wall mural, cleaned the whole yard, walked on the beach, cleaned the house,read a book, played solitaire, spent the night with a friend, went to visit some other's been a busy week. Now, I find myself with no moneyand a closed library. I've killed about 5 very large mosquitos while Ive written this and Ive been listening to KINK streaming live...( oh..FYI...if you are looking for the radio station, its do NOT put in kink in the search bar unless you want a real eyefull........)so, I guess that about sums it up. I think I'll take my 50 pesos up the street and get a tamale and a drink. My honey will be here in about 4-5 hrs. he'll bring money, 2 new seasons of Seinfeld, a new french press, a humming bird feeder and some CDs from my daughter.
I was out in the front yard the other morning when a couple guys we know came by on their way to work. We stood around chatting about this and that and before they left, Manolo told me " you are Yucatacan now". The day before I had made a pot of beans in my barro pot and ate them with some corn tortillas Id bought at the tienda in Dzidzantun the last time Id been in. i have a tortoise shell hanging in a coconut tree in my back yard and ive learned how to say snake and leaf this week. Does that make me Yucatacan? I think its the " tranquilo" attitude more than anything else. What's there to get upset about? Ive got 50 pesos in my pocket, friends near and far and I was just handed a can of bug spray. Life is good.........
A little over an hour later i'm entering Merida. At the edge of town there's a police check point. This was a little disconcerting when we first got here but now I just smile and wave as I pass through. Soon I'm in the flow of city traffic. Most of the cars and trucks are new. There are very few old cars. Mercedes, BMW, Lincoln, SUV's, lots of Ford Rangers and Volkswagens. At one of the lights, vendors try to sell me candy. At another, the window washers land on the cars like insects " no gracias' i tell him after he's already begun. this one is obstinate, he doesn't stop. " No! dinero "i tell him. " Only a dollar' he says in english " i have no money. My husband has it all" I answer in spanish. he smiles and walks away.
In another 10 min. i pull into the hotel parking lot and I feel like Im home. Roger, the desk clerk greets me. I tell him I need to go to the bank machine. That I tried to get money in Dzidzantun but it wouldn't take my card. " no problem" he says and after some chit chat about the solsice he hands me my room key. I drop things off in the room and head out to the ATM two blocks away. Once again, its not working for me. I have about 40 pesos so I buy myself a sandwich, an iced tea and some cookies. Once back at the hotel, I inform Roger. " Can I do anything?" he asks. i explain that when John gets in tonight he''l have money. " You pay in the morning than. And here.." he hands me 50 pesos "for your dinner". Now, remember that this guy makes about 170 pesos a day. This is so kind. I hate to, but I take it , knowing we'll return it to him in the morning. I call the english library to see if theyre open ( Roger informed me its a holiday-the birth of a president 80-100 years ago...poor, self educated, became president ...sounds like Abe Lincoln..) Sure enough, the library is closed. I was going to meet a friend there so i call her and let her know whats going on. She wants to come bring me money. At this point, I remember I have Skype and look up the number for US Bank..I get a nice guy on the phone who feels bad but has to inform me my card has been deactivated for no apparent reason and it can't be turned back on. Now, if I wasnt married I would be screwed. if this was my only resource, what would I do? And what about when I travel? I use my ATM card to access funds in other countries.I decide whats the use...first of all, im powerless over US Bank and secondly, none of those scenarios are going on. Im fine. Ive got 50 pesos in my pocket, another offer of money and a few other people I could get help from if I needed to. My husband and his bank card will be here in about 4 hours. My needs are met and then some.
so, a few quick updates and random tidbits.....the mom and her pups that vanished? I saw them! My concern was that they had been poisoned. no, she just moved the family to a new location. The footprints in the swamp? Just someone looking for little shell creatures they use to make ceviche. They are like a mussel. A lot of work, but a person could make 60-70 pesos in a day. And that big moon? Didn't see it...while John has been gone, I lock myself in at night. Once it's dark, the doors close up and Im in. I'm still a city girl and being out where its pitch black and there are no people around......during the day i love it! but come friend Jane kept me company more then once with a greatly appreciated phone call..When it was time to go to bed,I put seinfeld in the laptop and played back to back to back to back episodes...the first few days it was Glee.....Ive been saving the last episode i had-Episode 10 season 2-savoring it ...delaying gratification...the anticipation building until i couldn't wait anymore..i put it in and pushed play...A CHRISTMAS EPISODE!! No!! say it ain't so! what a letdown....thats it. No more Glee. Im out. i've watched all the seinfeld so many times even I, a huge fan, am tired of the seasons i have. I've sewn dresses, painted pictures, painted a wall mural, cleaned the whole yard, walked on the beach, cleaned the house,read a book, played solitaire, spent the night with a friend, went to visit some other's been a busy week. Now, I find myself with no moneyand a closed library. I've killed about 5 very large mosquitos while Ive written this and Ive been listening to KINK streaming live...( oh..FYI...if you are looking for the radio station, its do NOT put in kink in the search bar unless you want a real eyefull........)so, I guess that about sums it up. I think I'll take my 50 pesos up the street and get a tamale and a drink. My honey will be here in about 4-5 hrs. he'll bring money, 2 new seasons of Seinfeld, a new french press, a humming bird feeder and some CDs from my daughter.
I was out in the front yard the other morning when a couple guys we know came by on their way to work. We stood around chatting about this and that and before they left, Manolo told me " you are Yucatacan now". The day before I had made a pot of beans in my barro pot and ate them with some corn tortillas Id bought at the tienda in Dzidzantun the last time Id been in. i have a tortoise shell hanging in a coconut tree in my back yard and ive learned how to say snake and leaf this week. Does that make me Yucatacan? I think its the " tranquilo" attitude more than anything else. What's there to get upset about? Ive got 50 pesos in my pocket, friends near and far and I was just handed a can of bug spray. Life is good.........
Sunday, March 13, 2011
keeping you guessing...
Its Sunday...I know, I know...not the usual day for me to be in town is it? Well ya know..i like to keep you all on your toes...
Its about 9am. I'm in the hotel breakfast area and Im streaming KINK-acoustic Sunday...just had my second cup of tea and a couple of pieces of toast. The other "diners" have all come and gone. they have places to be, sites to see, tours to take ...I have none of those. I have no place to be and all the time in the world to get there....cowboy junkies are singing "Im so lonesome I could cry". I'm alone, but not lonesome. My hubby has flown the coop-literally. he's winging his way to P-town as i write...actually, he's probably just starting his 8 1/2 hr layover in Houston. How much fun can one person have? Thats right up there with root canals and biopsy's...OK so maybe Im exagerating a tiny bit.....He's got business to attend to so he'll be gone for a week. As we've made these preperations, i can't tell you how helpful some of our friends have been. We have people who have gone out of their way- for months actually- to help us take care of things. These people are such a gift. That sounds cliche but I mean it. Im not one to place a lot of importance on "things' material things. These people, these friendships are so valuable to me. So, you can insure a car, a house, a painting. I've even heard of people insuring their legs. So why not a friendship? Because you can't put a price on it. It can't be replaced. What, would the insurance company send out a replacement friend? " Hi, the company sent me. I've reviewed you file so i know about all your relationship issues, childrens bios, medical history, your fears, hopes, aspirations. i think Ive been fully briefed and im ready to take over" Then they hand you a file with all the same info on them and you study it until you've committed it all to memory. Or wait! Im sure they could implant a chip with all that! Why waste time reading...OK, Im rambling..but you get my point. These people, these relationships are not replaceable and im so lucky to have them.
Now, lets switch gears.....the terrible (slight understatement sorry...). Really brings to the forefront one more time that we don't know what the day is going to bring. I was reading about it a bit ( we do not get news of any kind unless we look it up on line when we're at the hotel)and I see the only casualty in the states was a guy in california who was drowned as he tried to take a picture of the approaching wave...OK...really, come on now. What was the thought process there? "hey, this wave traveled 500 miles an hour across the ocean (the same speed as a jet) but I've got this"....what was this guy smokin'?! Then i read some quote by the gov. of cal.-Jerry Brown-wait, what? Jerry Brown is the Gov.? What year is this......then i read that the earth has shifted on its axis as a result of this earthquake. So if all this weird stuff has been going on prior to the earthquake, will this shift eradicate the weirdness or enhance it? Guess we'll have to wait and see... more topic. Ive told you, in fact i believe i have shown you a photo, of the dock out back that goes to the swamp. Picture if you will that nobody lives near us, so when you go back there, there is NOTHING around. Now that ive set that scene, picture that the water has receded because its been so hot so there is basically a mud bog-stinky mud bog-back there. If i were to step in it I would sink mid calf. now, Im back there the other day checking it out and i see a variety of footprints. There are bird prints, dog prints, and..what kind of prints are those? Wow, a foot about as big as mine and as far as i can tell, there are only 2. There must be 4 but I cant figure out the foot placement. So a few days later, we have these metal fabricators out from Dzidzantun taking measurements for a wall we're going to enclose. they are back on the dock with me to check it out and i ask them about the footprints. "What made those"? I ask..." a person" they reply in unison. wait....WHAT?! What person in their right mind....IN THEIR RIGHT MIND!!! ahhhhh!!!!, we have a lunatic swamp monster person cavorting about in knee deep stinky muck that wandered through half the swamp to arrive in my back yard? I feel so comfortable finding this out just days prior to my husband leaving for a week.....I have to go out on my back porch ( the area that will soon be enclosed with decorative iron) to get to the bathroom. Well, life is an adventure right? Like I said, we never know what the day may bring...or night..........
Well, time for me to sign off. There is a pool waiting for me to lay by and finish my book before i pack up and head home where i will water my plants and await the night........
Its about 9am. I'm in the hotel breakfast area and Im streaming KINK-acoustic Sunday...just had my second cup of tea and a couple of pieces of toast. The other "diners" have all come and gone. they have places to be, sites to see, tours to take ...I have none of those. I have no place to be and all the time in the world to get there....cowboy junkies are singing "Im so lonesome I could cry". I'm alone, but not lonesome. My hubby has flown the coop-literally. he's winging his way to P-town as i write...actually, he's probably just starting his 8 1/2 hr layover in Houston. How much fun can one person have? Thats right up there with root canals and biopsy's...OK so maybe Im exagerating a tiny bit.....He's got business to attend to so he'll be gone for a week. As we've made these preperations, i can't tell you how helpful some of our friends have been. We have people who have gone out of their way- for months actually- to help us take care of things. These people are such a gift. That sounds cliche but I mean it. Im not one to place a lot of importance on "things' material things. These people, these friendships are so valuable to me. So, you can insure a car, a house, a painting. I've even heard of people insuring their legs. So why not a friendship? Because you can't put a price on it. It can't be replaced. What, would the insurance company send out a replacement friend? " Hi, the company sent me. I've reviewed you file so i know about all your relationship issues, childrens bios, medical history, your fears, hopes, aspirations. i think Ive been fully briefed and im ready to take over" Then they hand you a file with all the same info on them and you study it until you've committed it all to memory. Or wait! Im sure they could implant a chip with all that! Why waste time reading...OK, Im rambling..but you get my point. These people, these relationships are not replaceable and im so lucky to have them.
Now, lets switch gears.....the terrible (slight understatement sorry...). Really brings to the forefront one more time that we don't know what the day is going to bring. I was reading about it a bit ( we do not get news of any kind unless we look it up on line when we're at the hotel)and I see the only casualty in the states was a guy in california who was drowned as he tried to take a picture of the approaching wave...OK...really, come on now. What was the thought process there? "hey, this wave traveled 500 miles an hour across the ocean (the same speed as a jet) but I've got this"....what was this guy smokin'?! Then i read some quote by the gov. of cal.-Jerry Brown-wait, what? Jerry Brown is the Gov.? What year is this......then i read that the earth has shifted on its axis as a result of this earthquake. So if all this weird stuff has been going on prior to the earthquake, will this shift eradicate the weirdness or enhance it? Guess we'll have to wait and see... more topic. Ive told you, in fact i believe i have shown you a photo, of the dock out back that goes to the swamp. Picture if you will that nobody lives near us, so when you go back there, there is NOTHING around. Now that ive set that scene, picture that the water has receded because its been so hot so there is basically a mud bog-stinky mud bog-back there. If i were to step in it I would sink mid calf. now, Im back there the other day checking it out and i see a variety of footprints. There are bird prints, dog prints, and..what kind of prints are those? Wow, a foot about as big as mine and as far as i can tell, there are only 2. There must be 4 but I cant figure out the foot placement. So a few days later, we have these metal fabricators out from Dzidzantun taking measurements for a wall we're going to enclose. they are back on the dock with me to check it out and i ask them about the footprints. "What made those"? I ask..." a person" they reply in unison. wait....WHAT?! What person in their right mind....IN THEIR RIGHT MIND!!! ahhhhh!!!!, we have a lunatic swamp monster person cavorting about in knee deep stinky muck that wandered through half the swamp to arrive in my back yard? I feel so comfortable finding this out just days prior to my husband leaving for a week.....I have to go out on my back porch ( the area that will soon be enclosed with decorative iron) to get to the bathroom. Well, life is an adventure right? Like I said, we never know what the day may bring...or night..........
Well, time for me to sign off. There is a pool waiting for me to lay by and finish my book before i pack up and head home where i will water my plants and await the night........
Saturday, March 5, 2011
So, we spent the day in town....I laid around the pool...not literally, I actually stayed pretty much in one spot....when I got too hot, I put my book down and dove in, swam a few laps then resumed reading. It was a tough assignment, but I was available.
Around 4 the traffic started being diverted, by 5 things were a mess, by 6 you were stuck, at 7 we brought our chairs outside the hotel, front and center. They had set up chairs all along the parade route and charged 10 pesos to sit in them. We waited, and waited...the parade started at 7 but it started up the road from us....and waited, and get my point.. At 9:00 a line of police officers spread out across the road, behind them came more police on motorcycles...FINALLY the first float appeared and we were off! The music was pumping, the bass was thumping, hips were shaking-and I might add, the men seemed to do a better job of this in some cases!-feathers were was a lot of fun. Candy, bags of chips, whistles and plastice cups were being tossed to/at bystanders...I got candy, a bag of "globitos" ( one of the worst snacks ive ever tasted in my life) and a pen. All in all a good time was had, no arrests were made or fighting, at least that we saw. This morning we are packing up early and heading back to peaceful Santa Clara. Too much fun isn't good for a they say......
Around 4 the traffic started being diverted, by 5 things were a mess, by 6 you were stuck, at 7 we brought our chairs outside the hotel, front and center. They had set up chairs all along the parade route and charged 10 pesos to sit in them. We waited, and waited...the parade started at 7 but it started up the road from us....and waited, and get my point.. At 9:00 a line of police officers spread out across the road, behind them came more police on motorcycles...FINALLY the first float appeared and we were off! The music was pumping, the bass was thumping, hips were shaking-and I might add, the men seemed to do a better job of this in some cases!-feathers were was a lot of fun. Candy, bags of chips, whistles and plastice cups were being tossed to/at bystanders...I got candy, a bag of "globitos" ( one of the worst snacks ive ever tasted in my life) and a pen. All in all a good time was had, no arrests were made or fighting, at least that we saw. This morning we are packing up early and heading back to peaceful Santa Clara. Too much fun isn't good for a they say......

Thursday, March 3, 2011
this and that....
Wow....its a bold and daring move , i must say i am surprising myself by publishing this..... my new thing is i walk the beach-this beach- for two hours each morning. An hour up, turn around, an hour back. As you can see there are no houses in sight. I do usually have an entourage though. By the time i'm walking back, its usually pretty warm so i walk in the shallows. there are schools of little, tiny silver fish that lead the way for me. On the edge of the sand are little birds that sheepishly skirt my progress. A bit farther out in the water are larger fish that swim in a circle than fan out. if I venture out a bit deeper, they too come close enough to try to find out what sort of creature I am. They all make me laugh, which I do out loud. Who is there to hear me? I will admit to you all, as much as I would love to dive in, I am a little gun shy of the sting rays. They lurk in the sand and if you step on them, their tail springs up and stings you. I hear its quite excruciating. i don't want to find out. I did take the inflatable kayak out the other day though. It was soooo nice but I if I'd of gotten out there a bit earlier, the water was like glass. i discovered i had a bit of a leak though so had to keep coming in to blow it back up...Ill have to get that taken care of........
Do you see how clear that water is!! And how calm? This is what i missed the morning I kayaked because i fooled around too long and the wind came up.
Hello out there! So it's been brought to my attention that I have not posted in 2 weeks....say it aint so!!! Wow....what HAVE I been doing? I'm actually a little brain dead right now, its late and it was in the 90's today with no breeze..sweltering! Thats in Merida, its much cooler with a nice breeze in Santa Clara...So nothing too profound tonight, just some random tid bits.....
This little guy is the only one of his kind I've seen....he was out front eating birdseed with the big boys...

On our way out of town last week, we stopped at Wal-Mart. i was walking along when a white haired, stately looking woman approached me and started speaking spanish to me. I told her that I only spoke a little spanish "well I speak english too" she proudly announced. "I lived in New York!" This woman was 94 years old. What a gem. She was grocery shopping with her caregiver. She was very mobile and sharp. She had stopped me to tell me how she found my tattoos to be beautiful...I LOVE that! A 96 year old woman.....what a gal. We chatted for a few minutes- she was very lively- than we continued our shopping. I'll bet she's got some stories to tell. She had lovely skin, a traditional dress which is white with a lot of embroidery around the neck and hem . there is always a long slip sort of thing that hangs out the bottom that is very lacey. They have a name but sadly I don't know it. She also had a long silver necklace that was quite old and a pair of sandals with a little heel. Sassy she was! I'll bet she was not to be trifled with in her day. She still carried a very strong presence.
Here's another random piece- there has been a mother dog and her 5 puppies living nearby for a few weeks now. These feral dogs are really common. I don't know how she manages to keep it all going. What really amazes me is how they dont follow her when she takes off to forage. they all find their way into our yard to access water. Sometimes you hear her lapping in the middle of the night. we never see her in the yard but the pups come in now and then. I have put leftovers out for them but am not going to take over their care. Its hard. We have seen pups at the dump and there are two that I have to walk by when I go to the beach. It breaks my heart but i cant save them all. There are also a lot of females who've had so many litters they are worn out. Its really heartbreking, especially these pups. The ones that come in our yard are very leary but they know my whistle and they know which plate the food comes on. One is a little braver that the rest so he gets the lions share ( the strays share in this case...)
Well, there you have my completely disjointed ramblings....sorry...i warned you that I was tired....Feral dogs, sting rays.......sun, 90 plus degree heat....that probably sounds unappealing to some of you out there but I'll tell you what, I find it dreamy..............
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