Friday, October 1, 2010

No Phone!!

Well guys....we knew it was coming but didn't expect it yet...we woke up this morning to find the phone has been cut off. It feels weird. This whole experience has been like much of life- taken in increments. First it was leaving work, then it was leaving our house, leaving our town, our state, now our communication and in another day or so our country. It really started when we had to go through and get rid of our belongings. I'm not saying I dislike it, it's kind of like deciding you want to go swimming and the waters cold. Sometimes you just dive in to get it over with and sometimes you move in slowly taking a few tentative, bracing steps as you go deeper...So, no more voices only words. Mail doesn't have a sound.. It's Ok..I just took a couple more steps and the water has surrounded my heart. Soon I'll be used to it and I'll push off and swim. Stay in touch y'all!


  1. We are with you!!!
    I love taking study breaks to hear about your adventures (I have barely left the house in six days, just sitting here studying for step 2 of boards). I can't wait to read tonights....
    you are almost in mexico!!!!

  2. Just thought I'd say, even though you may be feeling as though you are becoming more and more cut off from the life you've known, you are always only a heartstring away...and even in your adventure of being 1000's of miles away, you continue to be full of strength, courage, integrity and someone whom I look up to.
    You are the most beautiful woman I know Jill, inside and out.
    Stay strong and ENJOY your wonderful life's adventure you've worked toward and waited so long for...we all know you deserve it!!!
